We-Amra Learning Sessions/Children Forum

We-Amra learning sessions:
We-Amra project is mainly directed to our younger generation. Since the initiation of We-Amra project in 2017, children from various ethnic backgrounds got a unique opportunity to get involved in various We-Amra learning sessions to learn specifc universal educational/awareness concepts through music, various creative art froms and some hands on activities in a fun and engaging manner. Children are assigned to specific mentor/mentors to achieve their individual/group learning goals. Childen may attend learning sessions locally and beyond physically or virtually depending on the situation. After learning various concepts, these children present them as theme based We-Amra performing art presentations at various places using their own creative interests, abilities and expressions. We believe these learning concepts will help children to grow with a healthy body & mind knowing their own root and identity yet understanding the value of difference and diversity. This learning process will help to raise a stronger & healthier young generation to build a better world for all of us with sustainable living environment, global peace and unity. Another beauty of these learning sessions are frequent and funful interactions among children themselves and also between children & adults locally and beyond. Besides these usual learning sessions, more recently a distinct "We-Amra Children Forum (Virtual)" has been initiated in 2020 to help children to cope up with the challageing period of Covid-19 pandemic and keep them motivated in ongoing learning processes and necessary social interactions.
We-Amra Children Forum (2020)
During the period of Covid 19 crisis children were unable to meet physically. During this crisis period all We-Amra performining art presentations were cancelled. But to help the children a distinct "We-Amra Children Forum" was initiated by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly in Kansas City, USA to provide mental and social support to these children and their parents and to provide continued learning opportunity to the children in fun and engaging manner.This activity is open for all interested children who believes in our mission and vision and who are abide by the rules and regulations of the forum. This is run by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly and assisted by Dr. Dithi Banerjee, Dr. Soma Ray, Sangita Bhattacharya, Sarmistha Banerjee, Sonali Choudhury, Deepa Kanjilal, Atashi Roy and other volunteers of We-Amra project as necessary. Our main contact of this fourm is email communication: weamraproject@gmail.com/info@weamra.org for any question you may have regarding this forum.