We-Amra Social and Other Activities

We-Amra, Inc not only provides education/awareness/entertainment to the children but also provides a platform for adults to conduct various related activities. This multicultural platform opens a global door for both the children and adults of various ethnic backgounds to meet socially, work together, exchange thoughts and views and learn from each other. Many community members and volunteers from locally and beyond get involved with various "We-Amra" activities staring from helping with various organizational activities, mentoring children, orginzing We-Amra cultural events, fund raising activities, social meets, food preparation, running variuous activity forums and helping with practice rehearsals before We-Amra performing arts presentations and celebrate their life with children through music and performing arts. We-Amra platform welcome anyone who believes in our mission and vision. All We-Amra activities are conducted with mutual respect. We-Amra journey makes a bridge of true friendship and love promoting cultural diversity, unity and global peace locally and beyond.