"We-Amra Senior Forum Virtual Program": August 2020 (during COVID 19 pandemic)
We-Amra Senior Activity Forum was initiated during the time of COVID 19 pandemic to provide social and emotional support to our respected seniors (60 years and above). Although children education through music and various art forms along with related hands on activities are main focus of We-Amra, Inc platform, but given the current situation, this platform extended its scope and utility for bigger benefit for the society yet keeping the educational and creative goal of the platform. We-Amra Senior Forum provides opporutiy to all intertested seniors to meet via We-Amra Zoom meet and perform and share their creative passions. No political, religious or controversial topics are discussed here. This started with local Kansas community (USA) but later on its scope and utility got extended beyond local community given its pratical importance and bigger benefit. This forum is conceptualized and initiated by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly, (one of the creators and conductors of We-Amra projects (USA). This forum is hosted by Dr. Ganguly herself and co-hosted by Debjani Roychowdhury. The first virual cultural meet was on 30th August named "Notun Ronge Pabo Bole" episode 1. It was a great success. Many younger community members joined the forum to support our seniors. Other We-Amra activity forum including "Children Activity Forum" and "Mothers & Others Activity Forum" also participates here on special occasions to entertain the seniors.