We Amra, Inc: Nonprofit multicultural global platform for providing education & awareness through music, arts & hands on activities for children welfare and enrichment.

Projects: We Amra Other Projects

Although litearay and musical projects are our major projects running on this platform, children as well as adults are also encrougaed to get involved with various hands on activites and projects to learn how to implement some essestinal learning concpets in real life..Following are the currently active non musical/hands on project on We-Amra platform. 

1. We-Amra Plantation Project: It was initiated as collaborative hands on activity project (by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly, USA & Nirmalya Roy, India) based on We-Amra Project, Part 1 concept "Love your mother earth". This concept was initially presented in "Celebration of Life", We-Amra cultural event at Edwards Campus (Kansas City, USA, August, 2019) along with We-Amra performing art presentation: "Dream of Green Earth". Later part of that year, a Briksho Ropon Utsab was conducted independently by Music Mantra Institute (MMI) as part of their welfare/service activity in Kolkata, India, directed by Nirmalya Roy. Later on, distinct We-Amra plant project was initiated as "We-Love Plants" for Kochipata Bangla pathshala. 

"WE-LOVE PLANTS": This project was initiated & implemented by Dr Nivedita Ganguly for children of Kochipata Bangla Pathshala in Kansas city August, 2020. Eventually its scope and utility got extended beyond Kansas City given its practical importance. Many children participated in this project. Our project leaders are Sia Nyaar (10 years) from city of Dubai and Sumouli Bhattacharyya (10years) from Kansas City, USA.  

2. We-Amra Charity Project: "WE-HELP" (This is initiated based on We-Amra Part 2 learning concept)

  • This particular "We-Amra" charity project is meant specifically for children, named as "We-Amra Piggy Bank".This was initiated and Implemented in Februrary 2020 by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly (USA). The main goal of this project is to raise awareness among children to think about other needy children and develop the sense of giving rather only receiving. Currently Bangla Pathshala " We-Amra Piggy Bank" project learder is Sanandi Banerjee (11 years) who is involved in motivating children for saving some money for other chidren so we can donate and help needy children in crisis as much as possible. 


3. We-Amra Social Project: "WE-CELEBRATE": This is implemented in February, 2020:This project is initiated based on We-Amra part 2 learning concept: Social values, learning culture and tradition through celebration and music & performing arts.

4. We-Amra Health Project: "WE-CARE": This is our upcoming project to raise awareness towards health and healthy habits so evey child can grow with a health body and mind and know the true meanting of "Health is Wealth" 

 Collaborative project: We Amra is also working in collaboration with "Joy Hok" project: A Tuberculosis (TB) awareness program in rural India through use of crative arts as educational media: conceptualized and being conducted by Ms. Koyel Shreyashi Basu. We-amra project is helping Joy Hok in terms of making awareness song for their project.  

Koyel Shreyashi Basu: 

Ms. Basu is founding director of "Joi-hok": A Community initiative which specialises in different awareness programs on common and tropical diseases in the community. 

"Joi Hok’s ongoing campaign aims to change perception of TB amongst the local community through a network of local artists, musicians and medical professionals. Our workshops encourage the school children to engage, learn, discuss and respond to the health issues related to Tuberculosis (TB) through a process of creative inquiry. They will then disseminate the knowledge to other family members which in turn will increase early case detections and complete the treatment over a stipulated time."

Primary Collaborator: ISMB Mycobacteria Research Laboratory, University of London Birkbeck.





We-Amra Plant Project is one of the hands on activity projects of WE-Amra Part 1 project to achieve its learning goal "Love your mother earth". This was conceptualized as a joint venture by Nirmalya Roy (Kolkata, India) and Dr. Nivedita Ganguly (Kansas City, USA) the creators of We-Amra projects. This is introduced before audience in August 2019 at the We-Amra cultural event: Cross Roads "Celebration of life", before "Dream of Green Earth" performing art presentations. Later that year, a Briksha Ropn Utsav was conducted independently in Koklata, India by children and parents of Music Mantra Institute (MMI) and local community members under guidance of Nirmalya Roy. At the same time, a children plant project called "We Love Plants" was initiated in Kansas City for children of Kochipata Bangla Pathshala by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly. But gradually given its practical importance, the scope and utility of this plant project got extended beyond Kansas City. Many children joined this project during the crisis period of COVID 19 pandemic. Our Plant Project young leaders: Sia Naayar (Dubai)


"We-Help" is one of the unique We-Amra Part 2 projects through which we intend to help needy people in crisis. "We-Amra Piggy Bank" is a special charity project for the children. This is initiated by Dr. Nivedita Ganguly ( Kansas City , USA). The main purpose of this project is to raise awareness among children to think and feel for other children who are underprivileged, in crisis or in need. Children was asked to contribute to their little piggy bank a small portion on their special occasion or celebration and at the end of the year the money will be collected as We-Amra fund to help other children as necessary. This is fundamentally run by Dr. Ganguly with the help of an young leader (Sanandi Banerjee, Kansas City) to motivate other children. In this year of COVID 19 our small contribution was made on behalf of We-Amra Piggy bank project to following schools: 1. Tagore Foundation School of Kolkata, India: Tagore Foundation School Kolkata 31/3, Nivedita Sarani, Kolkata - 700075 2. Pryash, by Avirup Sengupta, a talented dancer and director of Adda Kala Tirthyam, Kolkata,India https://www.facebook.com/prayasbyavirup


"We-Celebrate" is a unique We-Amra part 2 project. This is intended to raise love and respect among children, specially Bengali/ Non Resisent Indian children (NRI) towards their won culture, traditions, social values through celebration of various festivals and auspicious days. There is a musical component (Baro Mase Porbon Tero" (may see in Musical project section) . This is really a fun learning .


We-Amra Health Project: "WE-CARE" is intended to raise awareness among children towards importance of healthy body and mind. Through this project they will know the true meaning of "Health is Wealth". Like most of We-Amra project this project has two components including musical/literary and hands on. Musical and literary component will be shared as and when it gets completed. The non musical aspect of the project will focus towards health education through lectures by professionals, small group discussion to motivate children to practice healthy health habits.


Sreyashi Basu is a recent graduate from University College London. She received Bachelors degree in immunology and infection. She started a TB awareness program called "Joy Hok" using traditional art techniques aiming to tackle the stigma and misconception surrounding tuberculosis in India amongst local community. "Joy Hok" project also has a musical aspect to provide awareness/education regarding tuberculosis among people specially in rural India. Joy Hok project is working in collaboration with We-Amra Project in terms of creating educational song. This work is in progress

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